Christ & Farah

A little background story about this very special couple.
In 1994, Christ and Farah went into Regina Pacis junior high school. But whether they knew each other
back then, I wasn’t so sure. They started dating soon after World Cup 2002 in Korea & Japan, or maybe during the World Cup.. well, either way. I knew Christ 16 years ago at junior high school and Farah about 23 years ago at the kindergarten, where we still had our innocent faces = p
That’s why it’s so special to me. We grew together and like every other old pals,
we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs. I also knew every ex-girl/boyfriend they had.
But because of that I understood that Christ & Farah are a perfect match.
They complement each other and I love to think they’re made for each other.
Anyway, thanks for having me at your wedding. One day I’ll tell some stories to my kids about two of you : ]
Christ and Farah are expecting a baby anytime soon and I hope all goes well.
Have to save my latest congratulation for now.